wasix - 7. Feb, 16:43:
Und so sah es Sean Lennon. Gepostet von ihm höchstpersönlich im Official Message Board seiner Website.

"Vienna - 07, The saga continues...

Check in. Drop off bags. Meet in lobby. Find restaurant. Eat. Go to soundcheck.

Vienna is one of my favorite towns because of my love for Viennese artists such as Klimt and Schiele, and because I have many friends in the classical music scene there. Press was fine. Soundcheck was fine. Backstage amenities: fine.

Sadly Jouxjou D’Antan had to go back to work for a few days in Italy. They’re meeting us in Munich, but until then we’re stuck with a band we don’t know. I’ll leave it at that.

The show was difficult. It may have been because I was tired, but it took me a while to ‘win over,’ the crowd. It’s not that they weren’t supportive, it’s just that they were a bit quiet for most of the show. There are some nights when you just feel a little off. This was one of them.

After the show many of my friends from Vienna came backstage, and we had a few drinks. Since most of them are brilliant classical musicians, I was a little self conscious about the gig. They all said it sounded great, so I believe them.

Pack bags. Check out. Get on bus. Drive to Croatia.

Stay Tuned,



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