"Saul dishes on TR's interest in recording a follow-up to Niggy..."

"Wired.com: What do you have in mind for your next album?
Williams: I'm working on a few, but there's one [album] that I'm waist-deep into. I'm aiming to finish it up next month. Trent wants to work on a sequel for Niggy that I think would be cool and I also have an album and new songs demoed at home that I'm ready to go into the studio and lay down. It’s a complete reflection of how I feel in this country; it's a very transformative time. There's so much going on and ideologically, it's the end of - well, hopefully the end of cynicism and apathy. We're finding the courage to hope and dream and the music reflects that. It's new ground for me because it's music written out of a sense of connection and exuberance even. I never planned to make angry, or political music, but the times had left me angry and politicized and the [earlier] music reflects that. My anger has turned into something else. This [new] music is a personal reflection. I have been talking to [TV On The Radio keyboardist] David Sitek about working together, but I don't know if those collaborations will be a part of the album that I'm describing.
Wired.com: Describe the new album a bit more.
Williams: I've been listening to a lot of Charles Erland, a lot of live Nina Simone recordings. The focus of the new album is percussion. For all intensive purposes, it's a discussion of percusson. If I have to label some of the songs, maybe some are dance punk, dicso-y, or prog-rockish, but I really don't know how to categorize it. Some of it makes me think of De-Loused in the Comatorium, The Mars Volta's first album - there's a lot of live instrumentation with a hip hop filter. I lived for a year in Brazil as a teenager, and percussion was always present in my appreciation for music, but not necessarily in my music. So that's where my head is at." [blog.wired.com]
via [theninhotline.net]
[Review: Saul Williams: The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of Niggy Tardust!]
[niggytardust.com] [myspace.com/saulwilliams]
[nin.com] [ninblogs.wordpress.com] [myspace.com/nin]

"Wired.com: What do you have in mind for your next album?
Williams: I'm working on a few, but there's one [album] that I'm waist-deep into. I'm aiming to finish it up next month. Trent wants to work on a sequel for Niggy that I think would be cool and I also have an album and new songs demoed at home that I'm ready to go into the studio and lay down. It’s a complete reflection of how I feel in this country; it's a very transformative time. There's so much going on and ideologically, it's the end of - well, hopefully the end of cynicism and apathy. We're finding the courage to hope and dream and the music reflects that. It's new ground for me because it's music written out of a sense of connection and exuberance even. I never planned to make angry, or political music, but the times had left me angry and politicized and the [earlier] music reflects that. My anger has turned into something else. This [new] music is a personal reflection. I have been talking to [TV On The Radio keyboardist] David Sitek about working together, but I don't know if those collaborations will be a part of the album that I'm describing.
Wired.com: Describe the new album a bit more.
Williams: I've been listening to a lot of Charles Erland, a lot of live Nina Simone recordings. The focus of the new album is percussion. For all intensive purposes, it's a discussion of percusson. If I have to label some of the songs, maybe some are dance punk, dicso-y, or prog-rockish, but I really don't know how to categorize it. Some of it makes me think of De-Loused in the Comatorium, The Mars Volta's first album - there's a lot of live instrumentation with a hip hop filter. I lived for a year in Brazil as a teenager, and percussion was always present in my appreciation for music, but not necessarily in my music. So that's where my head is at." [blog.wired.com]
via [theninhotline.net]
[Review: Saul Williams: The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of Niggy Tardust!]
[niggytardust.com] [myspace.com/saulwilliams]
[nin.com] [ninblogs.wordpress.com] [myspace.com/nin]
wasix - 12. Nov, 19:30 - [2008 Xtras]