Radiohead tun's nicht. TR&SW hingegen schon. Zahlen, Daten, Fakten...

Trent Reznor veröffentlicht Verkaufszahlen und Download-Statistiken... "I'd like to share my experience releasing Saul Williams’ "The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust" and what I've learned from the process. Perhaps by revealing of all our data - our "dirty laundry" - we can contribute to a better solution. [...]
Saul's previous record was released in 2004 and has sold 33,897 copies.
As of 1/2/08,
154,449 people chose to download Saul's new record.
28,322 of those people chose to pay $5 for it, meaning:
18.3% chose to pay.
Of those paying,
3220 chose 192kbps MP3
19,764 chose 320kbps MP3
5338 chose FLAC
Keep in mind not one cent was spent on marketing this record. The only marketing was Saul and myself talking as loudly as we could to anybody that would listen." []
[Review: Saul Williams - The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of Niggy Tardust!]
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Trent Reznor veröffentlicht Verkaufszahlen und Download-Statistiken... "I'd like to share my experience releasing Saul Williams’ "The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust" and what I've learned from the process. Perhaps by revealing of all our data - our "dirty laundry" - we can contribute to a better solution. [...]
Saul's previous record was released in 2004 and has sold 33,897 copies.
As of 1/2/08,
154,449 people chose to download Saul's new record.
28,322 of those people chose to pay $5 for it, meaning:
18.3% chose to pay.
Of those paying,
3220 chose 192kbps MP3
19,764 chose 320kbps MP3
5338 chose FLAC
Keep in mind not one cent was spent on marketing this record. The only marketing was Saul and myself talking as loudly as we could to anybody that would listen." []
[Review: Saul Williams - The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of Niggy Tardust!]
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wasix - 4. Jan, 00:41 - [2008 Xtras]