Die Anzeichen dafür verdichten sich: Webcast... On A Friday?


Zuerst noch ein vages Gerücht... Posted on November 5th, 2007:

"It looks like Radiohead will be doing another webcast again. Adam Buxton announced on his BBC 6 Music show that he will be helping out Radiohead with their webcast from Oxford this Friday. If this the webcast is going to happen, it will be the first one in five years. [...] Adam Buxton said he will be helping out with the technical stuff from 9 to 12 in the evening with the band will talking about stuff their enthousiastic about, playing some songs and play some of their own material as well." [ateaseweb.com]

Inzwischen sind bereits die ersten Tests gelaufen... Posted on November 7th, 2007:

"It turns out that Radiohead are webcasting (or "experimenting with our server...") from Oxford right now. Currently it's the Nigel Godrich and the band (Colin, Jonny and Thom) DJ'ing in all colours of the rainbow." [ateaseweb.com]

[CHeck this out...]

"Word is on the street is that this was just a practice round to test equipment. Regardless, Colin and Nigel played a bunch of music and danced around. The real webcast is expected to be happening on Friday." [greenplastic.com]

Einige Daten zu "In Rainbows"... [>] [>]

[radiohead.com] [radiohead.com/deadairspace]