Tonight's the night: 05.00 MET. Plus: TR/SW talk about Radiohead, OiNK...

"Saul Williams' "The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust!" will be released at midnight tonight EST. Get it for free - no strings attached - right here:"
"Radiohead is one of my favorite bands," Reznor said. "When they announced they were releasing that album for free, I got dozens of text messages. It gave me goose bumps. It's such an exciting way to sell a record." Now, here's the rub. Reznor isn't the naive artist who doesn't understand dollars and cents. He said that he knows giving away music may not make business sense. In addition, such a model could work for marquee bands like Radiohead but not for up-and-coming acts. "Radiohead has a built-in audience and they have the luxury of being able to experiment with a new distribution model," Reznor said. "I think there were some serious flaws with how they executed but it was a good idea." []
"What inspired you to go the In Rainbows route with this album?
Saul: From the start, I remember Trent saying, "Let's give it away for free." At first, I was like, "This dude is out of his mind!" But then it really started making sense, and, of course, with Radiohead doing it, we were like, "What the fuck? The idea that we had was great, and we should really follow it through." [...]
Are you using this project, Trent, to test the waters for a self-released NIN record?
Trent: There isn't a Nine Inch Nails record done. I'm starting one right now. If I had one that was done, I would release it today in exactly the same way. I won't have one done for several months. [...]
What do you think about OiNK being shut down?
Trent: I'll admit I had an account there and frequented it quite often. At the end of the day, what made OiNK a great place was that it was like the world's greatest record store. Pretty much anything you could ever imagine, it was there, and it was there in the format you wanted. If OiNK cost anything, I would certainly have paid, but there isn't the equivalent of that in the retail space right now. [...]
How much did you guys pay for the new Radiohead album?
Saul: I paid $7, which is like, what, fourteen pounds? No, wait, that's like three pounds!
Trent: I bought the physical one, so I spent a whopping $80. [Pauses.] But, then I re-bought it and paid $5,000, because I really felt that I need to support the arts, so people could follow in my footsteps. [Saul laughs.]" []
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"Saul Williams' "The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust!" will be released at midnight tonight EST. Get it for free - no strings attached - right here:"
"Radiohead is one of my favorite bands," Reznor said. "When they announced they were releasing that album for free, I got dozens of text messages. It gave me goose bumps. It's such an exciting way to sell a record." Now, here's the rub. Reznor isn't the naive artist who doesn't understand dollars and cents. He said that he knows giving away music may not make business sense. In addition, such a model could work for marquee bands like Radiohead but not for up-and-coming acts. "Radiohead has a built-in audience and they have the luxury of being able to experiment with a new distribution model," Reznor said. "I think there were some serious flaws with how they executed but it was a good idea." []
"What inspired you to go the In Rainbows route with this album?
Saul: From the start, I remember Trent saying, "Let's give it away for free." At first, I was like, "This dude is out of his mind!" But then it really started making sense, and, of course, with Radiohead doing it, we were like, "What the fuck? The idea that we had was great, and we should really follow it through." [...]
Are you using this project, Trent, to test the waters for a self-released NIN record?
Trent: There isn't a Nine Inch Nails record done. I'm starting one right now. If I had one that was done, I would release it today in exactly the same way. I won't have one done for several months. [...]
What do you think about OiNK being shut down?
Trent: I'll admit I had an account there and frequented it quite often. At the end of the day, what made OiNK a great place was that it was like the world's greatest record store. Pretty much anything you could ever imagine, it was there, and it was there in the format you wanted. If OiNK cost anything, I would certainly have paid, but there isn't the equivalent of that in the retail space right now. [...]
How much did you guys pay for the new Radiohead album?
Saul: I paid $7, which is like, what, fourteen pounds? No, wait, that's like three pounds!
Trent: I bought the physical one, so I spent a whopping $80. [Pauses.] But, then I re-bought it and paid $5,000, because I really felt that I need to support the arts, so people could follow in my footsteps. [Saul laughs.]" []
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wasix - 31. Okt, 23:21 - [2007 Xtras]
wasix - 1. Nov, 09:09:
The time has come! ... wenn auch erst um 7.03 uhr ...